More Hot Conservation Tips for Green Living - Go Green!
Going green is really about going back to many of the ways that we used to live before the world went crazy. In our human efforts to advance technologically and increase the convenience factors in our lives, we have devastated our available natural resources. We went through them like they were unable to be ever be depleted and now we are suffering the consequences. The people of yesteryear lived closer to nature and respected the fragile natural balances that dictate our very survival. When we make the decision to "Go Green", we are simply admitting that we have abused what Mother Nature has given to us and that it is up to us to attempt to restore those gifts. We destroyed them - now we have to build them back, if we even can.
Here are some simplistically effective methods that each of us can employ in our lives to help restore biodiversity and environmental vibrance to our planet. If you've heard it all before, then maybe it's time to ask yourself why you aren't doing it yet:
Set your thermostat 2 degrees lower in the winters and 2 degrees higher in the summers. It saves you money and helps to save the planet.
Put some $5 water-efficient shower heads on your shower's water supply. Why have loads of water just draining away when you can increase the water pressure of your shower with cheap shower heads and save it?
Wash your clothes in cold water and use a line to dry. Most people's clothing doesn't really get that dirty unless they are construction workers or the like. Line drying gives your clothing that fresh smell that all of the dryer sheets are trying to imitate chemically.
Opt out of the mailing list for the numerous phone directories that you receive every year. Most of these are just thrown out and fill our landfills with unnecessary waste. This alone can save the US billions of dollars of wasted resources and help to create a green mental shift for the entire society.
Replace your burnt out incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs. The light is better and they last far longer - plus they look cool.
Saving energy is a great way to go green and feel good about being proactive towards environmental responsibility!
Inquire regularly and encourage your local utility providers to supply you with green alternatives. Renewable energy sources eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and many other toxins from our air, land and water. Oh yeah, they cost less too!
Buy one filter for your tap water instead of bottled water from the store. Plastic bottles are environmental disasters. They are expensive and a significant source of container waste and hence landfill abuse.
Embrace the concept of going meatless. Our human bodies are not designed to constantly metabolize and assimilate animal muscles. We are designed to function optimally on water-rich foods - like vegetables. If you just can't commit to a meatless life, how about just doing it for one day per week? Two? Commercialized meat production not only horribly mistreats the animal stock, it unleashes immeasurable amounts of pollutants to our environment, consumes exorbitant amounts of energy and water and spreads diseases like the avian flu.
Finally, you can simply speak up. In those numerous times when you hate to talk about the weather - again, bring up the topic of conservation and environmental responsibility. It makes for engrossing conversations and actually might stimulate some proactive involvement from your fellow humans.
Remember, we are really all in this together. Global warming, devastated natural resources and apathetic environmental standards are killing us all. We can all thrive together or we can all die together.
Phillip runs an awesome green website at
He wants to call attention to the impact of wasted natural resources and help to advocate the necessity of the Green movement.
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